Apr 25, 2009

ART@2years 2months: 'Daddy'

Drawing is something my daughter enjoys a lot. She enjoys drawing more on the DoodlePro than on paper. Probably its easier for her to draw and erase.

Today, Daddy's doll drew 'Daddy' yet again!

But...but...but....why is Daddy always in the sleeping position? Can u see Daddy's bulging belly? :D

Mummy is waiting to see herself too one day (hopefully slimmer atleast in the drawing).
Daddy was so happy to see her work that he agreed to pose as per her drawing.

Apr 9, 2009

Is Creativity A Gift or A Barrier?

Could life be topsy turvy for a child trying to be too creative? Sometimes I have been made to wonder if the other way of looking at things could make your brain go haywire.
Nowadays, parents prefer stimulating their little ones right from the time they inhabit their mother's womb. Research shows that stimulation does help in increasing the number of networks created in the brain thus leading to multiple intelligences depicted in a child.
No wonder that children are becoming smarter with every generation. Not only that, innovation has become the need of the hour for every profession. Thus parents are trying to find means and ways to give children as much exposure as they can from childhood. That is how the Baby Einstein cds are going off the shelves.
What could be the consequences of all this? Are we trying to go against nature? Could there be a negative outcome to this? Would you fail from being a normal well-functioning humanbeing if you started seeing everything differently? Could you mature faster than your age leading to other problems in the future? Could it be difficult for a child to cope up with his/her peer group at school? Could your child be subjected to ridicule or to the contrary have too much of expectation to live up to? Could your child be made to feel different? Could he/she become a loner/a snob? Could your child's teacher penalize your child for trying to think more than is required not following the codes acceptable in the traditional education system?
It is worth pondering on all this and find your best possible solution for parenting your own kid. So, what if your child looks at the creases on your bedsheet and spots mountains and valleys. So what if your child watches her own little TV screen, 'the cushion' while Mom watches her own favourite soap on TV! (Yes, its my friend's daughter's story). Isn't that what creativity is all about? Should that natural urge be curbed? Life would be so boring if we just saw things the way they are. Finding meaning in things in day-to-day life is what makes life so precious, so meaningful.
So, what-the-heck! Let them be their own selves and enjoy their creative power as long as it lasts! Gulp all your fears and fearful thoughts with a sip of kopi-tarik.
The other day my daughter was sailing in her boats of fancy. She was singing 'Row row row the boat' when she dropped two cushions on the floor while I watched with intrigue what she was up to.
She enjoyed her boat ride while I enjoyed watching her easily transcend into the world of her imagination from reality.

Do I smile when I watch the video. I must admit, "yes, I do".
So, is creativity a gift or a barrier? Do share your thoughts.

Apr 7, 2009

I Can Read Now

Flipping books has always been a fun pastime for DD. I am glad that she loves books as much as we do.

I have shared earlier on the types of books we've got for her in the past. She has seen loads of books on various categories in her two years of life, from soft cloth books to hardbound books to real books (with thin pages). She loves watching the pictures and listening to stories.

I show her flashcards and read aloud books to her and try to make it fun whenever we are with books. She often picks up a book and comes up to me wanting to know what is going on in the book. :)

Here's an update on her development. She has started reading a full sentence. She surprised me all of a sudden by reading the sentence, "N is for Nest" in one of her books about a week ago.

Here is a video of her reading@25 months from her playschool book. Thanks to the teacher too who made this possible. I am quite excited although this is just the beginning.

For parents who might want to know the secret behind teaching your toddler reading: It is important to look at the foundation before you start building an apartment. So, don't be too pushy or force your toddler to 'read'. It will come automatically.

Let the child enjoy the process of loving books first. It is better not to have high expectations as it will lead to a build up of stress in your mind that the child could easily decipher. If you pressurize your child to read, he will lose interest in the activity altogether. So, take it slow but keep on trying.

For parents who already know the secret to teaching your toddler to read, please do share your tips and learnings.

Drawing and Post Rationalization

While most of us draw with something in mind before we start, only few of us let the pencil take the flow.

My view is toddlers who are unaware of where the pen/pencil might take her, draw with an open, free mind. It is only with time that they start thinking that 'now i am going to draw an apple and then draw it'.

All they see is an empty space that needs to be filled. Their eager hands get curious of what wonderful thing can emerge with just a stroke of a pen. Its something similar now with my own toddler. She just scribbles something with no intention of drawing the same, and then wonders how the image came into being.

Here, she scribbled as usual and out emerged what she said is 'a sleeping man'. She kept saying, "Mumma look-sleeping man." Now, is that a pre-drawing skill or is it just chance? I wonder. :)

Apr 5, 2009

Visual Imagination

Children can see complex things in simple stuff. It is for us parents to understand, appreciate and encourage more such creative thinking.
While it is easier for us to just focus on the obvious, for example, tell her these are three balloons (see video below), by appreciating her ability to see a 'choo choo train', opens up possibilities to increase imagination, by seeing similar other objects in day-to-day life.
As Freud says that 'poetic imagination is a form of substitution and can be seen in the play of childhood. Fantasy is playfulness. Fantasy is the adult's potential for play. It involves a flight from reality'.

Let us all transcend into the world of fantasy and imagination and see the wonders out there, thereby encouraging our little ones to think alike.

Identifying Shapes

My daughter's favourite song on Shapes is 'Shapes shapes all around so many shapes in busy town, If you look then you can find lots of shapes of many kind'.

While having her piece of cucumber she suddenly pointed out with excitement, "See, Moon. See crescent". Before i could take out the camera to take the photo she had already taken another bite.

Mar 31, 2009

Drawing of the Day

DD has developed a sudden love for drawing. She loves making different pictures and showing it to Mummy. Most of the drawings did not make sense till lately. Does this look like a BIRD to you? If yes, then she sees what we see..., and if not she sees, what we don't see. :D She says its the OWL.

The Wings of Imagination

It is so wonderful to live in a world full of imagination. A child sees this world in his own light. He can think beyond what appears to his eyes and can connect to other non-exisitng images. But, we adults choose to stop living in this imaginary world and prefer reality instead.

Simple things that go unnoticed to the adult eyes, things that we take for granted, look so interesting to a child's innocent eyes.

Here is an example.

Yesterday we went for dinner outside. While my daughter was seated on her highchair she suddenly started making noises of 'Zoom Zoom Zoom'.

Then she pointed out that she had just seen an aeroplane. Look at the image below to spot her aeroplane.

Jamie Paolinetti quotes, "Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless."

I am reminded of the song by R. Kelly that I used to love singing once.
Listen to the song here

It goes something like this:

I believe I can fly...
I believe I can touch the sky...
I think about it every night and day...
Spread my wings and fly away...
I believe I can soar...
I see me running through that open door...
I believe I can fly.

Mar 19, 2009

Second Art Attempt

DD has been playing all day. She is enjoying her one week school holiday to the core. She ran into the room where I was sitting, singing some nursery rhyme and drew this dolphin. I was working when she called me to show it. Before she could erase it, I thought of capturing it for my memory lane. Atfer a while she drew the snake. She continued scribbling and drawing for about half an hour telling me what she had drawn everytime she finished. Her snake and dolphin look roughly the same but not a bad attempt.

Mar 17, 2009

Is your child right handed or left handed?

Have you ever wondered whether your child's dominant side is the right side or the left side, i.e. which side of his brain controls his actions.
There is a reason why I have been debating on this issue. I have lately been wondering whether my two year old daughter 'Ru' is left handed or right handed. Lots of friends have previously asked me the question, "Is she left handed?" while interacting with her. I had never really thought about it seriously till now. I have started looking at whether she is really left handed or right handed.

We have always seen that she has a strong left hand. But, her right hand is also strong enough. Hence, I taught her to hold the pencil/crayon with the right hand and also to cut with the right hand.

I have been wondering if it was wrong to teach her to hold the pencil on the right hand (i.e. if she is left handed). I do not want to force it on her.

I am confused. I searched the net on left and righthandedness. Here are some tests to check out if your child is left handed or right handed.
Some more tests

Here is my analysis of her left or right handedness after doing the tests.

She picks up spoon, box, bag from the floor or chair with left hand.
She holds the bat in her left hand while playing to hit the ball.
She throws the ball with her left hand when playing catching the ball.

She opens a jar with her right hand
Holds out her right hand to take a biscuit (but picks up a crumb from the floor with left).

She can hold the spoon with both hands and eat.
She writes with the right (as taught by me but can also use her left hand)
She uses the right hand for cutting (as taught by me)
She combs hair holding the comb with both hands.
She picks up a glass of water with both hands (So unable to test which hand is stronger)

She stamps with right foot.
She kicks sometimes with her right and sometimes with her left foot.
Climbing stairs with right foot first. Climbing down with left foot first.

Which eye is used by your subject to look through a tube? Left eye

My conclusion: Since she can use both hands, I think she is mixedhanded. I think a few more months down the line, it will be more clear whether she is right handed, lefthanded, mixedhanded or ambidextrous. Do share your views to help me sort out the issue.

Mar 16, 2009

Ru's First Art Attempt @2years 1month old

Look for the similarity between a 2 year old's drawing and a Noble Prize Laureate's drawing. A drawing of a two year old that is simple enough to be ordinary yet unusual enough to be an eyeopener.
This is DD's first drawing that has any recognizable shape whatsoever. She said she had drawn 'Baba' i.e. Daddy. Daddy was quite impressed and said that its called 'minimalistic drawing'. With only a few strokes you can give your drawing some meaning. Daddy remembered one of Rabindranath Tagore's famous Paintings,
Portrait of a Lady

Watch the painting to see the similarity. What would you say, except...'Great expectations!!!'...Hahaha... :)

Mar 15, 2009

The Love for Reading and the Joy of having Books

Both Mom and Dad have always been book lovers since childhood. Mum hardly gets time for reading nowadays. Inculcating the reading habit has come naturally to DD. She has seen us buying books, reading books, taking care of books, stacking books, discussing books and also sometimes debating over topics from books and arguing about 'buying more than needed' books.

Recently, we bought a bookcase to be able to handle the overwhelming love for books. Tip: Children learn by imitation. So, pick up your books now.

Since she was a baby, DD loved books. She can literally say when she grows up that that she could EAT, SLEEP and READ books. She had started with nibbling cloth books and then graduated to nibbling small board books, to 'touch and feel' books, puppet books, pop out books, flashcard pop out books, sliding ABC and 123 books. Its amazing to see the wonderful variety of books written for children today. Tip: Children who are spoken to and read to frequently have larger vocabularies and develop into better readers.

Recollecting an incident when she was just 7 months old. We had attended a preview at Shichida and decided to enrol her. We came home with the brochure and a small story book.

I put DD to sleep and sat reading the book beside her only to be woken by a nudge and find a half eaten book with all the sides and corners gone.

I was astonished, and partly scared that she would fall ill. That was her first interaction with a real BOOK. Fortunately, DD loves reading books as much as we love reading books to her. So, it is money well spent and quite satisfying to see her enjoy books.

She has her own little library of books. It is at her height so that she can easily reach out for them whenever she needs them and put them back too when reading is over. There was a time when she would just take out the books and stack them on the floor or on the bed not bothering about what is inside.

Daddy would wonder why she did that. Mummy would explain that its her developmental milestone at that point of time. They love stacking. That seems a long time back.

Tip: To inculcate the habit of reading, first of all, let the books be easily accessible to your child.

Today, I replaced many of her hard bound board books with a fresh set of thinner paper books. She has learnt to handle paper books. (Again, reiterates the fact in Mummy's mind that our little baby is growing up.)

Now, she loves flipping the paper of the book and looking at the pictures and pointing out the letters to us. Tip: If you are well versed with her reading developmental stage, you need to keep upgrading it with time and her level of progression.

We read to her whenever she is in the mood, (which she is most of the time - I am sure it'll be quite the opposite when she starts with serious academic books :D ) She brings her books to me or at times prefers to read alone. She loves listening to the stories and then repeating the story again by flipping the pages. Tip: Story time is more of a spontaneous activity at our home rather than a fixed time in the night.

A few months back, she used to love reading the story of Goldilocks, Papa Bear, Mumma Bear and 'Baby' Bear over and over again. Now, she has graduated to many more new stories like the Greedy Dog, The Lion and the Mouse, Cinderella, and some newer story books. Tip: If your toddler wants to hear the same story over and over again, let them enjoy the comfort of the same story while you build their vocabulary by adding in new words or pointing at the written words while saying the story.
I would like to specially mention here
They are an amazing collection that every beginning reader should have. These books are graded on the reading level of the child. So, the parents can buy accordingly. She just loves to see what PAT is doing in one of Dr. Seuss' books. PAT sitting on CAT or PAT sitting on the HAT, PAT sitting on BAT, ALL are SMALL, while ALL are TALL. ALL dancing on the WALL. ALL FALL. She also loves Ladybird's Peter and Jane collection too. She will open the book and point at Peter and Jane and fish and tree and also the written words but she doesn't know to read yet.

Toddlers enjoy a variety of books now. Some are based on rhyme and rhythm. Some have interactive stories with refrains, sound effects, or sounds to imitate or enact: Eric Carle's 'From Head to Toe'. Some are based on Cars, Trains and other moving objects: 'Chugga, Chugga Choo Choo' by Kevin Lewis. Some are based on familiar things and situations: 'Bebé Goes Shopping' by Susan Middleton Elya. Some books help with toddler fears and feelings: 1) 'No, David!' by David Shannon, 2) 'Llama Llama Mad at Mama' by Anna Dewdney. There are books that teach your child to follow certain rules and virtues. Then, there are lift the flap books like 'Dear Zoo' by Rod Campbell and sing-along books like 'If You're Happy and You Know It' by Jane Cabrera or Nursery Rhyme books like 'Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree' by Eileen Christelow besides other conceptual books on counting, opposites, colours, alphabets and fun concepts.

Another important to discuss here is 'attention span'. A typical toddler has very very less attention span. So, they will read a book for a few seconds or a few minutes and then close the book and again come back to it after a while. Tip: Do not fret if your child does that too. It is quite normal. Slowly their attention span will increase.
She also enjoys 'quiet reading times' at home just as she has at her school. She will sit with her book in her lap, open it and say, "One Day".....as if telling me a story. The first picture will be the subject of her story. Say, Teddy Bear....Then she will get engrossed in the pictures and keep flipping and uttering the words"And then" ..'teddy bear'.....'dog'...."And then"....."And then".....till "I finished reading the book" comes. I would like to quote James Bryce here, 'The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it'.

Nowadays, DD has started to discuss what she is reading with me, another developmental milestone in reading. It is said, "TV. If kids are entertained by two letters, imagine the fun they'll have with twenty-six. Open your child's imagination. Open a book.

Do your children love reading books? How often do you buy books? What books would you recommend for a 2 - 2.5 year old?

Mar 13, 2009

Painting without Paint

My little one was introduced to 'Magic Painting' today. It's something I had loved doing as a child. I wanted to pass on the fun activity to her.

I dipped the brush in water and held the brush in her hand to make a stroke on the paper. She was so amazed to see the brush create colours after being dipped in water. She had real fun with it. Watch her enjoying her first magic brush painting (without paint).
Everything was going on fine. And Mummy was quite pleased with the success of the venture.
And then,
within a few minutes,
a CATASTROPHE happened.
And things got out of control.
She got over excited.
She wanted to pour the whole of the water from the glass on to the page.
The more the water, the more the colours, Right?
We had a little tug of war with the glass of water.
The END: A glass of water in my hands, tears in her eyes and a semi-flooded paper.
Once the water dried on the page and her eyes,
she blinked and looked at the colours on the page.
That's her first experience of what a brush & a magicpainting book can do.
Create Magic!
Or rather create droplets everywhere
On eyes, on the floor and on paper. :D
Perhaps, some day she will learn how to use the brush to express her creativity.
Here is my little painter who has decided to paint her world
(fortunately without) colours. LOL.

Mar 10, 2009

The Name Game

Its an interesting coincidence, that Agnes tagged me immediately after I posted about the meaning of my daughter's name in the earlier post. Thanks you Agnes for the tag.
It must have been quite easy for you with the letter A. But, I being Yaggya, will have to whack my brains out for the Y's.

1. Copy to your own blog, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 20 (if you have 20 in your list).
2. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name? Yaggya
2. A four letter word: Year
3. A boy's name: Yogesh.
4. A girl's name: Yashvi
5. An occupation: Youth worker
6. A colour: Yellow
7. Something you wear: Yu (Precious jade)
8. A food: Yoghurt
9. Something found in the bathroom: Yo-yo
10. A place: Yugoslavia
11. A reason for being late: Yelling at my naughty baby
12. Something you shout: Yahoooooooo!!
13. A movie title: You've got mail
14. Something you drink: Yin Martini
15. A musical group: Yes band
16. A street name: Yam Road
17. A type of car: Yamaha
18. A song title: You fill up my senses...
19. A verb: Yawn :D

Yo!!! Yesssssss, i did it finally.

I would like to pass it on to the following:

Caroline (A kiss of an angel) , *(Joyce) The Chiah Family , Jessie Ling (Hijack Queen) , Sue (Little People) , Ping (Our Life Story) , Christene (allthingspurple) , Vivianz (Vivian, Sze & Naomi) , Oyl (Popeye's family) , Chinneeq (De'Play) , 3lilangels (Growing Fun Wth My 3 Lil Angels) , *Ryan's Mum (Etcetera~Etcetera , *Mumsgather (Mothering Times) , Everyday Healy (Everyday Healy) , Rebecca (A New Journey Start) , Lazymama (My Little Sunshine) , Sweets (A little drop of heaven) , *Mum of Denisha & Darien (Little Darlings) , *Craft Mama (The Little Craft Box) , Mel (Every Little Wonder)

Baby Name and Meaning

What is the meaning of my daughter's name: RUHANI

The word ‘Ruhani’ or ‘Roohani’ is derived from the Arabic word ‘Rooh’ or our inner self or soul or ‘Atma’ in Hindi.

Most of us are aware of our body, of the thoughts passing through our mind, and of the world around us. This is called body or physical consciousness. But human beings are more than the body and mind. Our true self is the soul, a conscious entity that inhabits the body.

The soul is the part that enlivens the human body. When the soul leaves the body at the time of death, the body dies. But the soul is immortal. The body exhausts itself whereas its spiritual aspects are always in the everlasting state. We continue to exist even after the demise of our mortal frame. Fortunately, we do not have to wait until our physical end to know our soul.

Spiritual consciousness means becoming aware of the soul and God within us. God is called by many names in various cultures, languages, and religions, but is one and the same and can be found within us. Its essence is eternal, all-consciousness, all love, all peace, and all bliss. Within the soul is wisdom, or self-enlightenment, a love more fulfilling than any in the outer world, a strength and power that can help us overcome any fear, and a connectedness and oneness that knits all life together.

Scientists try to reach truth by exploring materialistic realities, whereas spiritualists attain this truth by exploring spiritual existence. One who adopts this spiritual or inward journey to the cosmic world elevates himself/herself.

It is a path of positive mysticism in which we remain in the world, in our own society, culture, and family and, to the best of our abilities, fulfill our duties and responsibilities but keep developing spiritually.

This is done by attaining the state of spiritual knowledge and by imbibing ‘the spirit of self enlightenment’ through constant self-introspection or in other words by being ‘Ruhani’.

‘Ruhani’ thus means ‘The Spirit of Self-Enlightenment’. It is also associated to the following meanings: ‘True spirit’ / ‘Blissful Soul’ / ‘Spiritual Being’.

Is imagination more powerful than knowledge?

ABCD is the starting point of formal education. I have been singing the ABCD song to her since she was a baby. She is 2 years old now. I am glad that she recognizes the letters of the alphabet though she does get confused at times.
This is my first attempt to capture her singing the ABCD song.

While she fishes out all the alphabets, her subconscious fingers are busy with something else. Its her imagination at work again. She is making a fishing rod. Remember I posted about this a few posts back. This time its a straw and a cloth peg. It is interesting to see how children can make such connections in their day to day life.

Last time it was the rope hanging from the xylophone rod and a peg. 

Mar 9, 2009

Activities for your Toddler

Here is an activity I learnt from one of my fellow bloggers (Thanks for it). I thought the idea was very cute and simple. So, I decided to have some craft fun with my toddler.

Making Pop - up cards

1. Take a blank sheet of paper and fold it in half. (Preferably take a comparatively hard sheet of paper)

2. On the folded paper, make two marks like this. Ask your son/daughter to cut the same using plastic scissors. If he/she cannot do it, you may help.

3. It will look something like this.
4. Just push open the cut sheet inside.
5. You can ask your child to paste a cut out of whatever interests him/her. Alternatively, you can use it to teach numbers or alphabets. This is what she made.
4. She is too busy admiring the flowers. :)

My Terrible two's temperaments

Its about managing temparaments. The terrible two's phase is on. It is a phase that every toddler goes through. And so is mine.
Here are a few examples.
1. DD got down from the high chair the other day and wanted to lie down on the floor. She doesn't want to drink milk. All mummies who have gone through this exhausting, frustrating and annoying phase, please advise. She doesn't want to eat any food. Everytime there is food infront of her she will throw such tantrums.

2. DD has been sleeping in her own bed since 18 months old. Last week, she was suffering from very high fever. So, I decided to sleep with her to check on her fever from time to time. At 4.30 am in the night, with 102 degree temperature, she decided that she didn't want to sleep on the bed but on a mattress that's on the floor. When lots of coaxing and requesting failed, I decided to enact as if I had fallen asleep on the bed. After a while, she tapped me and said, 'Mumma, I want up bed'. I just smiled and tucked her beside me.

3. She has started telling me, "Mumma, I want pink dress every time i change her". But, I doubt she knows the colour pink, so she doesnt argue whatever colour i put on her.
4. She used to love listening to me sing. Now, as soon as I start singing she says, "Stop!" She wants to sing instead. But, if i show any appreciation for her song by nodding my head or even looking at her, she will again say 'Stop!' and stop singing.
5. 'No' is her most favourite word. Every question will be answered with a 'No'. She has recently mastered saying, "I dont know". So, inspite of her knowing all her alphabets she will just say, "I dont know". A stern look and she will show you the alphabet.
Its funny how children at this stage suddenly become so difficult and start having opinions on just about everything.
Does it get better or worser with time? I wonder...

Mar 5, 2009

What is Creativity?

Often the word 'Creativity' has knocked our doors and we wonder exactly "what is creativity?" Is it about the courage to "Look out of the box?"

There is always another way of looking at things. You may be amazed to see what an object can reveal once you look at it from another angle. It is about looking at it from different perspectives. The bird's eye view of a garden can be very different than the eye view of an ant in that garden.

Creativity lies in being able to observe those little things that are not easily evident to the eye. We have often heard the phrase, "Is the glass half full or half empty?"

For example, when we stop looking at an object as an object and wonder if anything else could be done with the object, that is when we are trying to be original, or think creatively. An object can be used for a number of things at the same time. It can be quite funny to think of the number of uses of an object besides the one it is generally used for. It can be a very fun game that you can play with your older child. I've never really played this game with her. But she surprised us today.

DD loves playing her xylophone and sometimes manages to bring out some pleasing notes out of it. (Sometimes only). ;) The xylophone was gifted to her on her birthday by a close friend of mine. The over usage of the xylophone has led to the cord getting snapped off the main xylophone.

DD showed me what the xylophone rod is now. Wondering what?

"Look Fish!" she said holding up the rod which is now a fishing rod. She has put one of the cloth pegs on it.
Do you play any interesting game to cultivate creative thinking? Think of 10 uses of a spoon besides being used for eating.
Here I begin the game...
1. It can be used for playing mini-golf/hockey.
2. It can be used for scraping off things.
3. It can be used as a hand for a clock.
Put on your thinking caps and write down some more creative ideas.

Learn 3D shapes creatively

Education can lose all its charm if it remains confided to the textbooks. Education is finding meanings of learnings of textual matter in real life.
My daughter loves the Shapes song in Richard Scarry's Best Learning Songs Video Ever CD
The song goes something like this.

Shapes Shapes all around, so many shapes in busy town.
If you look then you can find, lots of shapes of many kind.

This she keeps singing continuously. I had forgotten to blog about this small incident I remembered again today. One of our relatives had come to our house about 2 months back. I served a piece of cake. My daughter (who stays far away from food, when it comes to eating) looked at it and said in an excited voice, "Mumma, Look, Triangle" I was so impressed. She had learnt the circle shape long back. She would show me the rubber band and say 'Circle'.

My just turned 5 year old second DD got a message written in her diary by her teacher saying she had spoken about the pyramid while they introduced the topic of 3D shapes. She said "Mummies stay in Pyramids and Pyramids are in Egypt". 

Feb 24, 2009

Tag: #6 and #6 Photo Meme

Angeleyes sent me this interesting tag/meme...and i must say i enjoyed it a lot. Here is what one has to do.
1. Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.
2. Go to the 6th Folder and then pick the 6th Picture.
3. Post it on your bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture.
4. Tag 5 other glorious peoples to do the same thing and leave a comment on their bloggy tellin’ them ’bout it.
So, my #6 folder and #6 photo is this one…

Wow...Sweet memories rush into my mind. Late night partying. Giving 'adda' or chatting in Bengali. Watching movies. Playing cards. Teasing one another. Enjoying Piyali's home made-five star recipes. Not to forget my carefree life without baby. :)

This was taken at a Piyali's house in KL a few years ago. We were all great friends (still are) and called ourselves the 'Mastee Gang' or 'Fun gang'. Piyalis left for India. Reshmis are still here. But we are all in touch. Cheers to oldtimes sake!

The friends on this photo are: (Bottom Row: From left) Samik, Navonil (darling hubby), Sandeepda (Top Row: From left) Piyali (with Tanay), Myself, Reshmi.

And now, I need to tag 5 other lucky people…

Jagritah Vikriti (Jeet)

Little stories about Chloe (Agnes)

The Artful Parent (Jean)

Our Life Story (Ping)

Little Prince's Mummy


Feb 23, 2009

Development of Verbal Skills

The typical toddler's brains are like sponges. They pick up information from every little source here and there. You get to see sudden reflections of those in their developments. Every little new word picked up brings them closer to their next milestone.
Yesterday, we went to an Indoor Games Fun Event organized by Bharat Club. My hubby played table tennis and I played carrom. He also joined in for carrom doubles later on.

While DD sat near me watching the first carrom of her life, the striker hit the center and she cried out, "IT BURST", "IT BURST" with a glimmer in her eyes.

I was so surprised. Where on earth could she have heard the word 'burst'? After a thought I related the word 'burst' to 'bursting of balloons'. Perhaps, the toddler mind had somehow related the word 'burst' with 'sudden loud sound', made from balloons or elsewhere. The human brain is capable of making these associations about words inspite of not knowing the meaning. Isn't it interesting?

Cute Blogger Award

2ma2ma has just given me my first award and i am so delighted. Thank you 2ma for the same.

Here are the rules:
1. Copy Badge “2008 Cute’s Blogger Award” and put it on your blog.

2. Link or tell a bit about the person who gave you the award...
"2ma" - She is a wonderful person whose life revolves around her precious nephews, Shan Leo & Shan Rae, who is also her god-son.

3. Each one of you who receive this award must list down 10 facts/hobbies about yourself...
Some of my hobbies are:
Blogging (whenever i get some free time).
Photo/Video Editing (whenever i feel the editing itch).
Sketching (when the mood is right)
Reading when the book worm in me wakes up. (mostly its asleep)
Listening to music (almost always)
Surfing the net (Can't live without it)
Watching movies (Love it actually)
Facts abt myself:
I appreciate creative forms of expression in whatever form they may be.
I cook but dont like it at all.
I am quite a night owl. Love to stay awake surfing the net or reading a book at night.

4. Pass this award to 10 bloggers and link them in your blog
So, here's to my blogger friends.
Hijack Queen
Allaboutyourchild (Angeline)
Mummy Moon

Feb 21, 2009

A heart full of music

As a child, we used to eat, sit, sleep MUSIC. Music was an inevitable part of our life that we couldnt live without. I am glad that my daughter has the heart for music and can feel the pulse of beats and rhythms.
Here is a video of how she enjoyed a Bollywood song while she was a baby.

Now she has started to sing and adding in her own words in her self - created songs. Sometimes the song are to the tunes of 'Twinkle twinkle' or 'Are you sleeping' but the words are her own, and sometimes the words and tunes are entirely her own creation.
One day, she was singing a tune of her own with words of her own while we listened to her in the car. I asked her what song she was singing at the end of the song and she immediately replied that it was the 'Lion' Song.

One more song that she has created goes something like this...
Happy Happy there there there,
Happy Happy there there there.
This is to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. :D

Then there is one more she sings...
"Are you ready?, Are you ready?, Yes I am, Yes I am" to the tunes of 'Are you sleeping? Are you Sleeping Brother John?'

While I write this post, she sits here near me and sings...
"There's a cat, There's a cat,
In a house, In a house."

We also have a friend whose child used to show similar traits, you give him a word and he could make a song out of it instantly.
For example: Over the breakfast table, he sang a song about 'chilli', 'bus' and 'sun' each a separate one. We were amazed.

If you look deeper into each of these examples, you will find that children are capable of taking one format, for example: a tune, a word, a sentence, a poetic structure or a storyline and replacing it with different themes...so the Twinkle Twinkle tune becomes a common structure to which different sets of words create a different song instantly.

Will it be called 'Creativity' or will it be called 'Copying'? What do u think? Let me know.

Dad's Day of Art & Imagination

Daddy has had a long and busy week full of meetings and discussions. So, he decided to relax and let his colouring skills do the talk. Inspired by the lush greenery breathing with freshness after a heavy shower and the backdrop of the beautiful hues of the setting sun, my darling hubby picked up his box of crayons, some paper and a beer and enjoyed the evening in the balcony on a Saturday evening.
It just goes to prove that if the moment is right you can get inspired to do something creative. So, don't miss out on any of these moments, when they come by unexpectedly in our day to day lives.

Colouring Activities while building fine motor skills

Colouring or painting your little one's world is the best gift that Daddy and Mummy can give ones child. We are fortunate to live in a colourful world where the thought of leaves brings about the colour green, the sunflower yellow, the ocean a turqoise blue in our minds.
I have always wondered how it would have been to live a colourless life. I have been watching a few cartoons on Disney like MickeyMouse Club House, Pooh etc picking up on the same concept of colour education with interesting episodes and stories like wiping off colours from the rainbow, or a sudden magic that makes Noddy's town go colourless.
A baby slowly realizes the value of colours while he /she is growing up. We as parents can make them recognize the different colours so they can enjoy colours as well. Children by nature love colours. Hence, many to-be parents start getting the nurseries ready with a splash of colour while waiting for the new one's arrival.
To teach your little one the concept of colours you can use a variety of apporaches. You can show him/her colours in various forms of existence in day-to-day life. Another approach could be to let him/her play with colours. A few crayons can engage him/her, while he/she enjoys, dabbles and explores. It will also secretly help in building his fine motor skills.
With every stroke on the paper, an impression is made on the paper, not to forget the lasting impression of the impact of colour on your child's mind.

This is a drawing made by Ru where she enjoyed repeating the names of the colours while playing with crayons on 21st Feb 2009 while her dad sat in the balcony drawing with his own set of colours.
Here are her few initial efforts with crayons while she watched the difference in colours with every change of crayon.

The second drawing done immediately after shows her level of progression while she got engrossed trying to experiment a bit more with the same colours.

Besides, you could try reading books on colours like Brown bear, brown bear, buy cds on colour (bought one recently) or show the colours on her dress each new day.

Nuffnang's ‘I’m Going Kame Hame Ha with Dragonball Evolution’

Nuffnang has organized various contests in the past. And this time Nuffnang is again back with an event for all its bloggers
to be part of the Premiere Screening of Dragonball Evolution

'Coz I'm about to land on the EARTH.

So what if I dont have HAIR on my head???
So, what if I need a few accomplices???
Dont underestimate ME.
Heard of 'Women Power'?
Laugh at YOURself if you laugh at me!
'coz we can be potential bombs (at times)...
Watch out! We're trained to destroy!

Keep your forces ready...

...coz here is how it will look,
After our vengeance on this Earth is over!!!
The Aftermath!!!
Brought to you by:nuffnang_logo_dragonball.jpg

Feb 18, 2009

Future of Childrens' Creativity

Are kids born creative? Do young creative souls lose their creative spirit and talent when they enter school? Does the word 'creativity' in school have to be restricted to a period of 'Art & crafts'? The education process is still very structured and caters to the needs of the society. There is no room for originality. We have learnt and re-learnt that there can only be one answer to a question. Any answer besides the desired answer will demark your child as a child with a 'learning difficulty'.

The recent Hindi Bollywood blockbuster Taare Zameen Par where an artistic boy loses his concentration and spirit of learning via formal education and is misunderstood by all including his parents and sent to a hostel labelled as a dyslexic child shows that society is not ready yet for creative talent. We can only fantasize of a society that is receptive to such children as the kid 'Ishaan' in the movie. (By the way, my younger brother's son who was born a few months back has also been named Ishaan and I wish him a creative journey for life like the boy in the movie.)

Formal education demands you to deliver like pre-programmed stereotyped machines. Is any child on the offbeat track heading for trouble. Yet, one can see the need for individuals with abilities for innovative problem solving abilities who have an edge over the others when a problem arises, due to his/her innovative way of looking at the problem in a job scenario.

Building on a child's creative genius requires an open mind that is ready and brave enough to beat the system. But will it leave a child directionless and confused? I think there is a great need for some experimental schools for nurturing creativity and the creative way of thinking. Until then, I hope as a mother that we can make a difference to our child's lives by keeping the creative flame burning despite the challenges of a rigid and structured formal education system.

Do take a look at this enlightening video by Sir Ken Robinson. It’s a little long but not to be missed. He’s funny, making you laugh while bringing in the importance of being creative! Also, contribute your thoughts. I am concerned. Are you?
http://www.ted.com/talks/view/id/66 - INTERESTING VIDEO

Feb 11, 2009

The Terrible Two's

Our daughter is now 2 years old. Yes, Ru has officially entered
the terrible two's phase of her life.
...Time flies! And it still seems like yesterday when I held her in my arms with a joyful tear in my eye. She looked back at me...saying, "Mumma, here I am. It's me!" ...and now two years are over.
We took our baby to MegaKidz Midvalley where she played to her heart's content. After returning home, our little lady was overjoyed to see the Birthday cake and the mini golf set and the balloons. We had to do takes and re-takes of the 'blowing the candle' scene. Somehow, the obsession with the candles continue. At 12 midnight she had blown on her blocks yet again while we sang the birthday song.

This time round, she kept singing the Happy Birthday song, didn't let Daddy cut the cake. She wanted to cut it herself. Shows, she is growing older and more independent. And I await with dreaded eyes, the day when my butterfly will learn to fly and fly away.
Here's wishing our darling a very HAPPY 2nd Birthday and MORE EXPERIENCES while GROWING UP!